Using a Theme to Customize Your Email Templates
ShopAgain makes it possible for you to customize email templates using a theme that collectively edits all your templates to your liking. You may change the Body Font Family, Background Color, Body Text Color, Heading Text Color, Button Color, Button Text Color, and Divider Color to match your brand's style. This help document will guide you on how to use the Template Theme feature.
Using the Theme Settings:
Click on the 'Theme Settings' button located on top right of the Email Templates screen.

Change the values for each setting to match your brand's style.

The values will be used as the default for all new email templates.
Overriding the Template Design:
Click on the 'Duplicate' option from template options.

Enter the new template name and check the 'Customize with theme settings' box.

All colors and font families will be changed to match the theme settings.
Using the Template Library:
The Template Library contains already-designed templates as starting points.
Click on template from library. A small popup with template name and the 'Customize with theme settings' checkbox will appear.
Check the box to change all the colors and font families to match theme settings.

Default Color While Designing Template:
When designing an email template, the default colors and font family set in the Theme Settings will be used.
You have the option to override these defaults for specific elements within the template.
The Email Template Theme allows for the customization of email templates.
Use Theme Settings, design override, or the Template Library to create email templates matching your brand's style.
Make a great impression on your audience with custom email templates.
Updated on: 10/02/2023
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