Articles on: WhatsApp

How to Reconnect with Customers on WhatsApp After the 24-Hour Window Has Closed


WhatsApp, managed by Meta, imposes specific guidelines on businesses using the WhatsApp Business API for customer communications. Key among these is the inability to send messages outside a 24-hour window that starts with the customer's last interaction.

Key Points

- 24-Hour Session Window: You can send unlimited messages within 24 hours of the customer's last interaction. After this, direct messaging is restricted.
- Template Messages: To initiate contact after the 24-hour window, use pre-approved template messages.

Using Template Messages

Submission for Approval:
- Templates must be submitted and approved in advance.
- Include variables in the template for personalization.

Sending Templates:
- Once approved, replace variables with actual data to send messages.
- Example Template: "Hi {{1}} - Thank you for contacting us. We wanted to reach out on WhatsApp and continue our conversation."

Example of Sending a Template Message

- Template Name: customer_support
- Variables:
- {{1}}: Customer's First Name

Sending a Template Message with Images

After your template is approved, you can send it through the WhatsApp Business API interface. Below are the steps to send a template message, accompanied by screenshots to guide you through each step.

Select the 'Send Template' Option in the Conversation:
- Navigate to the conversation window with the customer and click on the 'Send Template' button. This action allows you to access your list of pre-approved templates.

Send Template

Choosing the Template:
- From the list, select the customer_support template to continue the conversation. This template is designed to acknowledge the customer's initial contact and express intent to keep the conversation going on WhatsApp.

Entering Variable Text:
- Enter the customer's first name in the variable {{1}}. This personalization helps in making the conversation more engaging and tailored to the individual customer.

Selecting Template and Entering variable text

Sending the Message:
- After entering the necessary information, click the 'Send' button to dispatch the message to the customer. Ensure that all variables are correctly filled to maintain the template's integrity and personalization.


These steps, when followed correctly, allow you to effectively communicate with your customers using pre-approved templates outside the 24-hour window, ensuring compliance with WhatsApp's policies while maintaining a high level of customer engagement.

Restrictions on Template Use

- Interactive Elements: WhatsApp does not support dynamic buttons or images in template messages to maintain clarity and prevent potential misuse. However, static images are permitted and can be included to enhance the message content.

Suggested General Message to Restart Conversation

To encourage a response and reopen the communication window:
"Hi {{1}}, we're here to help with any questions or support you might need with your recent purchases or inquiries. Please reply to this message, and we’ll be happy to assist you!"

This template encourages customers to initiate a conversation, thus opening a new 24-hour session window for free-form communication.

For more information on creating WhatsApp template messages, please visit our help document: How to Create WhatsApp Template Messages.

Updated on: 15/07/2024

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