How to review a flow in automation or campaign?
A flow is a sequence of messages with split conditions and delay logic. You may have seen a sequence or graph-like builder on other platforms. On the left-hand side menu, go to Automations or Campaigns.
Note: Campaigns can also have flow on shopagain, which makes it easier to schedule a sequence of messages for a sale event like Black Friday.
Here, click on the Flow button as shown on the campaign for which you want to edit the flow.

The Flow Editor window will open. You can zoom-in and zoom-out or drag the elements around. You may edit the flow now.

Click on 'Save' once you are done!

Now click the Launch button to launch your automation.

Note: Campaigns can also have flow on shopagain, which makes it easier to schedule a sequence of messages for a sale event like Black Friday.
Here, click on the Flow button as shown on the campaign for which you want to edit the flow.

The Flow Editor window will open. You can zoom-in and zoom-out or drag the elements around. You may edit the flow now.

Click on 'Save' once you are done!

Now click the Launch button to launch your automation.

Updated on: 05/04/2023
Thank you!