How to Change or Override Best Sellers and Trending Products
Best Sellers and Trending Products are typically determined by our AI algorithms to reflect items that are most frequently sold or currently popular in your store. However, there may be instances where you'd like to manually curate these lists. Here are some reasons why you might want to override the default AI recommendations:
- Low Inventory: If a product is running low in stock, you may not want it to appear in the Best Sellers or Trending Products lists.
- Low Margin: For products with lower profit margins, you might want to avoid promoting them heavily.
- New Launches: If you are launching a new product and want to give it more visibility, you can manually place it in these lists.
- Seasonal Relevance: Perhaps you have products that are seasonally relevant and wish to promote them more aggressively during certain times of the year.
By using the overwrite feature, you can take greater control of how products are presented on your platform, helping you better align with your business objectives.
Steps to Edit Best Sellers or Trending Products
Step 1: Navigate to Recommendations
- Click on Recommendations from the sidebar.

Step 2: Go to Strategy
- After clicking Recommendations, select Strategy.

Step 3: Choose a Category
- In the Strategy screen, select either Best Seller or Trending Products to edit.

Step 4: Access More Options
- Find the product you wish to replace.
- Click on the More button, represented by three vertical dots.

Step 5: Choose an Action
- A menu with the options Replace, Exclude, and Remove will appear.
To Replace:
- Click on Replace.

- A popup will appear, showing a list of products. Select the product you wish to replace the current one with.

- Click Save.

To Exclude:
- Click on Exclude.

- A confirmation popup will appear. Confirm to exclude the product from the list.

To Remove:
- Click on Remove.

- This will remove the product from the list.

Updated on: 04/09/2023
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