Articles on: Campaign and Automation

How to create an automation?

In this article, you'll learn more about automations and how triggered messages can fit into an email marketing strategy. Automations make it easy to initiate and nurture relationships with your users and customers. You can automate messages that help grow the business. Visit our YouTube channel to watch the video click here

Auomations help you send timely communications to recipients via email or SMS and can apply specific actions. With automations, you can trigger a message, or series of messages, based on any activity or behavior of the users- such as making a purchase or abandoning a cart.

Basic auomations to start with

Here are the most basic automations to start with in this particular order:

Welcome series
Abandoned cart
Browse abandonment
Post-purchase (Thank you series, Cross-sell series, etc.)
Winback series

Types of flow event-based triggers:

Every automation must have an event trigger. There are four types of event-triggered flows:

User Performs an Activity: People will qualify to enter an automation when they take a specific action (for example, placing an order).
List: People will qualify to enter a list-triggered flow when they are added to a specific list like when they submit a popup.
Segment: People will qualify to enter a segment-triggered flow when they are added to a specific dynamic segment based on user property like they have not purchased anything in last 60 days.
System Events: ShopAgain generates system events like replenish reminder for certain users who have purchased a replenish-able product like toothpaste.
Date Property: Purchase anniversary reminders can trigger this automation

Create an Automation

Let's design a automation to send emails to new email subscribers. The email should be sent immediately when they subscribe.

Click on Automations, Create Automation
Select "Create from scratch"

Step 1: Compose

Name your automation
Select Perform Event and Subscribed to Emails as campaign triggers.

Under Advanced Settings
Deselect Re-eligibility for the campaign as this email should be sent only once when they subscribe.
Conversion events can be turned off or on depending on the kind of emails you are sending. If your messages are educational, it is okay to keep sending emails.

Automation Compose

Step 2: Automation Flow

Open the Flow editor and design a flow by dragging email and SMS blocks on the left to the editor.
Click on any block to edit the properties. You will find properties similar to a single touch campaign.
You can save the flow by clicking on the save button on the top right.

Use flow editor

Updated on: 02/09/2023

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