Articles on: WhatsApp

How to create WhatsApp campaigns?

Creating WhatsApp campaigns involves a series of steps, including template creation, campaign setup, and launch. Follow these steps to create your campaign:

Step 1: Prepare Templates

- Begin by ensuring you have the necessary WhatsApp templates ready. For guidance on creating WhatsApp templates, see How to Create WhatsApp Template Message.

Step 2: Access Campaigns

- Next, click on 'Campaigns' from the sidebar.

Sidebar showing the Campaigns option

Step 3: Create Campaign

- Then, click on the 'Create Campaign' button.

Button to create a new campaign

Step 4: Enter Campaign Details

- Campaign Name: Enter the name of your campaign.
- Campaign Type: Select the type of campaign.
- Messaging Channel: Choose 'WhatsApp' as the messaging channel.

Form with campaign details filled in

Step 5: Proceed to Next Step

- Click on the 'Next' button.

Step 6: Select a Template

- Choose a template by clicking 'Select Template' and selecting from the dropdown.

Step 7: Apply Discounts (Optional)

- If applicable, select the discount type and enter the discount code.

Selecting a template and discount

Step 8: Define Target Audience

- Select the target users for your campaign.

Interface for selecting target users

Step 9: Schedule Campaign

- Set the campaign delivery time.

Options for setting campaign delivery time

Step 10: Save or Launch Campaign

- Finally, click on 'Save' to save the campaign for later, or 'Launch' to start it immediately.

Updated on: 08/01/2024

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